I love to wander! When traveling, the destination is typically the goal. I believe that the travel experience should be about the entire journey. The appreciation of the little things along the way that makes your travel unique, more complete, more fun, and more memorable.
When I was growing up my Mom, Dad, Mema, and I would hop into the station wagon and go on Sunday drives. These excursions around the Bay Area where great but nothing was better than the classic family road trip. I was the navigator from an early age and loved to get the map out before we got started to see what was in-store for us on our adventures. My Mom always had the AAA Tour Book in hand and made sure that we knew what we were seeing as we drove along. Mema appreciated travel and would point out the details – colors, textures, smells. My Dad, a relatively quiet man, was about the best sport there could be. He made sure that we got home safely and never hesitated to jump in on any spontaneous song-fest that might have occurred. Great times.
Those road trips gave me a true appreciation for travel. I was fortunate to be exposed to our National Parks, Presidential Libraries, State Capitals, Historic Sites, and city after great city. My wife experienced a similar scenario as a child and today we carry on the torch. Exploring, hiking, climbing, eating, drinking, and laughing our way to as many destinations as possible. Always in search of the one little thing that will make the trip even more unique. They are always there!
Join me as we travel with the whole experience in mind and forever being …Wandering But Not Lost!
Happy Trails –
Matt Emerson | Founder & Travologist, WBNL Enterprises
Find me on:
Instagram – https://instagram.com/emersonwbnl
Twitter – https://twitter.com/EmersonWBNL
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/wanderingbutnotlost