Sunset over tranquil Moosehead Lake in Maine. In a place where it’s rumored that moose outnumber humans 3:1 there is no doubt that you can get in some well-deserved R&R here! The lake is the largest in the state of Maine and the largest mountain lake in the Eastern US. Plenty of recreational activities to keep you busy during the day, or hunker-down and grab a good book. If you are into hiking, the famed Appalachian Trail begins at Mt Katahdin not too far away but you can jump onto the trail in many spots throughout the region.
Sitting on the hillside overlooking the lake is the amazing Blair Hill Inn. One of our favorites to date! This beautiful 9 guest room Inn combines luxury and elegance with a genuine easy-going feel. The Innkeepers, Ruth and Dan, have a clear
love for the property and their guests which is played out with their restoration, presentation, and care evident all around you. Their website describes the amenities perfectly – fine dining restaurant ~ spa services ~ full bar service ~ adventure activity services ~ free wifi ~ full breakfast service ~ 15+ gorgeous acres ~ trout pond ~ trails ~ yoga retreats ~ gardens & greenhouse ~ fresh cut flowers ~ treats & refreshments ~ peace & quiet ~ serenity – it’s all here to enhance your experience.
They also have a nice selection of games that you can take up to your room or play in the common areas. My wife screamed when she found an old RACKO game in their collection. Not being a RACKO aficionado I was perplexed over the excitement, however, after one hell of a RACKO tournament I can say that I can easily be called a fan. Ruth and my wife got into quite a RACKO conversation as we were checking out. Seems as though RACKO has quite a fan base! Funny how the unexpected things can really add to your trip. We were having an extraordinary time at the Blair Hill Inn and finding RACKO was jsut icing on the cake. HA!
A stay at the Blair Hill Inn will be a highlight of your vacation no matter where your travels are taking you.
So many places to Wander and Explore in Maine!