In Episode 110 of the Wandering But Not Lost Podcast, co-hosts Matt Emerson and Jan O’Brien discuss why it is so important that you remain calm, adapt, and evolve in uncertain times. The spread of COVID-19 across the globe has been the topic of conversation for weeks and now that it is quickly advancing in the US, anxiety is high. We’ll talk about what you can start doing to ensure that you stay in business for the long haul. In Wandering Zen, we look at how the pandemic will be changing travel and entertainment in the near future.
- “Change before you have to.” —Jack Welch
- “Change is the only constant in life. One’s ability to adapt to those changes will determine your success in life.” – Benjamin Franklin
- “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” —Victor Frankl
- “Every success story is a tale of constant adaptation, revisions, and change.” Sir Richard Branson
- “A bend in the road is not the end of the road…unless you fail to make the turn.” – Helen Keller
- “Those who recognize and adapt to change early will survive and thrive in any market.” – Jan O’Brien
Let’s address the obvious:
- Mortgage rates are at all-time, record lows
- Everyone still needs a place to live
- Some buyers and sellers may adopt a “wait and see” attitude
- Most people will still need or want to buy and sell homes
- The stock market plunge will impact decisions to buy and sell homes
- The Luxury Real Estate Market may be impacted more
- The economic impact is already happening – Recession is looming. Experts have been talking about an impending recession for months. COVID-19 may well accelerate that reality especially if it is prolonged
- We do not know exactly how long this will last and thus how long to recover and get back on track
- Stay calm. Follow best practices. Adapt your business!
Be the Trusted Advisor
Stay informed & educated about Latest info on COVID-19
- About the Housing Market
- Housing Wire - Market Watch
- com
- Housing Wire
- Know Your Local Market – Be the Expert
- Market stats and trends from your local Association of RELATORS or MLS
- What price points are most impacted?
- What price points are moving faster?
- Learn or sharpen your skills as necessary for you!
Multiple Lead Generation Sources
Your Database!
Investors – iBuyers
Rental Market & Property Management
What is Your Niche?
Open Houses
NAR Guidelines – Should I still conduct open houses on my listed properties?
Speak openly and honestly with your seller about the pros and cons of holding an open house. Assess the risk based on your specific location, and direct your clients to local and state health authorities for specific information about the severity of the risk in your area. You could also propose alternative marketing opportunities for your seller’s consideration, such as video tours and other methods to virtually tour a property. If you do hold an open house, consider requiring all visitors to disinfect their hands upon entering the home, and provide alcohol-based hand sanitizers at the entryway, as well as soap and disposable towels in bathrooms. If you decide to do any cleaning at your client’s home, be sure to check with your client in advance about any products you plan to use. After the open house, recommend that your client clean and disinfect their home, especially commonly touched areas like doorknobs and faucet handles.
- Have a discussion with Sellers about safety –preventive measures
- Offer hand sanitizer (If you can find it – giveaway small bottles)
- Clean common surfaces and door handles
Leverage Technology and Video
Don’t stop marketing – in fact, do more marketing!
Innovate! Adapt! Be Bold!
Your Listings – Virtual Open House – Showing On Demand
- Sign in the yard with info on:
- Video Tour
- 3D Tour
- Matterport – work with a videographer or company that has this camera/technology
- Zillow 3D Home
- Call for Personal Showings
- Facetime – video chat (Skype) live tour of the home
- Video Walkthrough
- Virtual Showings
Master Your CRM and Use it Daily
- Specific types of contacts with specific messaging for that group
- SOI, Investors, Renters, Buyers, Sellers
- Agent Network
- Text, emails, calls, video texts
- Bombomb for video email messaging
- Hyperlocal newsletter
Video Marketing
- Facebook and FB Stories
- Instagram & IG Stories
- LIVE on Facebook, IG and/or YouTube
- Create a Video Show
- Optimize a YouTube Channel
- Video Home Tour of the Day – new homes, listings (with permission of listing agent/seller)
- Create a page on your website or Blog for your Videos/ Video home tours
- Create Playlists on Facebook, YouTube
Social Media Marketing
- Repurpose your videos
- Boost your video posts
- Do more paid advertising
Paperless Transactions & Electronic Signatures – transactions have been done in the past and can certainly be done virtually!
Video Conferencing with clients
- Facetime
- Skype
- Zoom – screen sharing
Always Follow Safe & Best Practices
NAR Guidelines
Be mindful of Fair Housing Guidelines – treat everyone fairly and the same!
REALTORS® must be mindful of their obligations under the Fair Housing Act, and be sure not to discriminate against any particular segment of the population. While the coronavirus outbreak began in Wuhan, China, that does not provide a basis for treating Chinese persons or persons of Asian descent differently.
I typically drive my clients to showings. May I refuse to drive potential clients to see homes?
Yes. However, be sure that any change to your business practices is applied equally to all clients. You may refuse to drive clients who show signs of illness or reveal recent travel to areas of increased risk of coronavirus, or you may instead decide to stop driving clients in your car altogether, and simply arrange to meet clients at a property. If you do continue to drive clients in your car, it is a good idea to frequently clean and disinfect surfaces like door handles and seat belt latches, and to ask clients to use hand sanitizer when getting in and out of the car.
May I ask clients or others I interact with in my real estate business if they have traveled recently, or have any signs of respiratory illness?
Yes, you may ask clients or others about their recent travel, particularly to areas identified as having an increased risk of coronavirus. To avoid potential fair housing issues, be sure to ask all clients the same screening questions based on current, factual information from public health authorities.
CDC Guidelines for Prevention of Illness
- Staying home if you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath or any other cold or flu-like symptom.
- Washing your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water aren’t available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoiding close contact with anyone who is sick.
- Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or cough or sneeze into your sleeve.
Be safe. Stay Calm. Adapt. Carry On.

In today’s Zen we chat about wandering during the COVID-19 pandemic and share some ideas on what to do if you do end up staying in for a while.
Stay In & Get Out - Part 1
From Episode 57 of the podcast – it might not be the best time to head on out for a road trip. That doesn’t mean that you can’t still do some great wandering, especially in the National Parks. The list of movies set in or filmed at the National Parks is a long one, but we pulled out 15 that we think you will enjoy. So, pop the popcorn, grab a beverage, and get ready to live vicariously as you binge-watch a few wandering adventures…
Stay In & Get Out - Part 2
From Episode 58 of the podcast – if you’re housebound, we’ve put together our list of the 10 best road trip movies so that you can get out while staying in!
Open a Book and Wander Within
From Episode 59 of the podcast – if you are looking for an adventure but aren’t able to get up and out you really don’t need to look much further than the pages of a good book. There are so many great reads out there, both fiction and non-fiction that can whisk you away and take you to the ends of the earth from where ever you are. Here are a few of our favorites…