In Episode 120 of the Wandering But Not Lost Podcast, co-hosts Matt Emerson and Jan O’Brien continue their discussion on how to manifest your new normal. Today, they discuss the plethora of items that agents should have in their virtual toolkit. In Wandering Zen, they take a moment and say thanks to the frontliners that are at the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Today we discuss how to be a virtual agent and discuss the tools that you need in your virtual toolkit to thrive.
- Effectively use the Virtual Agent Tools and Systems
- Be a Master of your CRM!
- Mastery of Zoom and/or other video conferencing apps
- KNOW YOUR MARKET! The trends and key stats and what it really means to buyers and sellers.
- Own Your Online Presence and Social media channels of choice
- Virtual Buyer Consultation & Best Practices
- Virtual Open Houses
- Virtual Seller Consultation – Presentation
- Virtual Buyer & Seller Events/Seminars
Today a personal thank you to the frontliners and first responders who have been going out of their way during these uncertain times.