In Episode 15 of the Wandering But Not Lost Podcast, co-hosts Matt Emerson and Jan O’Brien share important tips on how to update your privacy and data sharing settings on Facebook. In the Reach Your Peak segment, they discuss the Four Archetypes and how they fit into a real estate team. Matt takes us on a South Dakota Road Trip in Wandering Zen.
Key Points/Takeaways
WBNL 52 Tip – Facebook Privacy
How to Limit was Is Shared from Your Facebook Account
- Remove unwanted apps and/or modify data your share
- Decide if you want to turn OFF access to third-parties, apps, companies for Facebook login
- Review Your Ad Preferences (what information including interests, likes etc with advertisers an companies
- Discover who you have interacted with, websites you have used, ads you have clicked on
- Check out the Data Facebook has collected on you by downloading a copy of your Facebook data (your archives ) from the link on the bottom of the settings page
- Conduct a Facebook Privacy Checkup on your Mobile
- Choose the audience for your posts from your newsfeed
- Profile – what info you are sharing and with whom
- Apps & Websites
Read our full blog post with screenshots and steps to updating and protecting your data on Facebook.
Reach Your Peak – The Four Archetypes for Teams
We have asked this question thousands of times to brokers and agents…If you hire 10 people to your company – how many are going to make it in the real estate business? The answer is NEVER more than 2! Many managers, team leaders, and trainers believe they can ”fix” people. They are confident that because their company has the best tools, training, and support and that they care and are a great manager, they can get most of these new agents to be successful in the business. Here’s the reality – you can’t fix people. They are who they are! Each person comes with their own degree of self-confidence, personality traits, behaviors and success characteristics.
The Four Archetypes & Where they Fit on Teams
- The Entrepreneur (Team Leader)
- The Manager (Team/Office Manager)
- The Individual Contributor (Admins/Team Associates)
- The Hobbyist / Part-Timer You may find suitable admin assistants and occasionally a solid team associate from this group if their commitment and priorities have changed.
Read our Blog Post on the Four Archetypes for more details.
Wandering Zen – A South Dakota Road Trip
To this Wanderer, there is nothing better than an epic family road trip. When traveling in America, there seems to be a list of sights that appear on most itineraries at some point. The Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Yosemite, Blue Ridge Mountains, Washington DC and Mount Rushmore, to name a few. Today we are going to pack the car and head out to Keystone, South Dakota to check Mount Rushmore off that list. Countless times we tried to work South Dakota into an existing trip but, frankly, it’s just not on the way to anything! So, one year we made it a destination and it was the sleeper hit of the summer. Make sure that you allot more than a day or two for this stop though because the area is rich with majestic beauty, adventure, and awesome family fun.

Matt with The Real Housewives of Bedrock
1 – Mount Rushmore
2 – Crazy Horse Monument
3 – Wind Cave Nat’l Park & Jewel Cave Nat’l Monument
4 – Custer State Park
5 – Badlands National Park
6 – Wall Drug
7 – Bedrock City
South Dakota is off the beaten track but it should be on everyone’s list of places to see. Make it a priority on your list. Be Forever Wandering But Not Lost!
Read the full blog post: A South Dakota Road Trip
Mount Rushmore
Jewel Cave
Wind Cave
Custer State Park
Badlands National Park
Wall Drug, SD
Crazy Horse Memorial
Mentioned in the Episode (Resources & Links)
- Our Full Post on Facebook Privacy & Data Settings
- Read our post on the Four Archetypes and How They Fit on Teams
- Read the full blog post: A South Dakota Road Trip
- Join the Wanderers Club for real estate business systems, social media training and more (only $197/year)
- Get travel tips & insights at Wandering But Not Lost
We just released version 2 of our Real Estate Team Builder Program! Updated video training, content and downloads are now available.
The WBNL Coaching Real Estate Team Builder Program was designed as a turn-key solution to get your Team up and running smoothly and efficiently. Through a combination of our online video library, one-on-one coaching, and actual written systems (including a complete operations manual and 90 day onboarding system for team agents) we are confident that you will be on the right path.
Here is what you’ll receive:
- Online, On- Demand Real Estate Team Builder Training
- Lifetime Access to the Recorded Videos and Documents
- Complete Package of Documents, Admin Forms
- Real Estate Team Builder Procedures Manual
- 90 Day Onboarding & Agent Training Manual
- Team Project Management, Accountability, Communication
- Over 57 video training lessons in 6 Modules, 17 bonus/tech videos and 111 documents and forms are included in your turnkey system.
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