Wandering Zen - Shopping the Big AppleOverwhelmed and don’t know where to start planning your next NYC getaway?  With literally thousands and thousands of things to see and do, it can make even the most detailed planner manic.  In this series, we’ll devour the big apple one little bite at a time. Get the credit card ready – Let’s shop the Big Apple!

1 – Department Stores

The most iconic and historic department stores in the world call Manhattan home.  Don’t miss the wooden escalators in Macy’s Harold Square.

2 – Books

A good bookstore is harder to find with each passing day, but NYC is a book lover’s paradise.  Don’t miss these 2 gems which house over 2.5 million selections of the written word!

3 – Zabar’s

You will literally find markets and delis on every street of the city, however, Zabar’s offers up a unique experience for the taste buds and has an incredible collection of kitchenware to boot.

4 – The Flying Tiger Copenhagen

This quirky little store is fun plain fun and pretty easy on the pocketbook as well.

5 – 5th Avenue

Often referred to as the most expensive street in the world, 5th Avenue is a shopper’s paradise.  The beautifully appointed stores make this an incredible place to window shop as well.

Although shopping is an experience any time of the year, the holiday season is a particular delight.  The city comes alive with musical and electronic wonder!

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Lord & Taylor

Books of Wonder

The Stand


The Flying Tiger

5th Avenue